

Exodus (NIV) Chapter 21-40
(Chapter 21)
21:6 then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.
awl Noun (구두 직공 등의) 송곳
21:14 But if a man schemes and kills another man deliberately, take him away from my altar and put him to death.
scheme 1.Noun 英 (운영) 계획, 제도 (→colour scheme, pension scheme) 2.책략 3.Verb 못마땅함 책략을 꾸미다, 획책하다 (=plot)
deliberate 1.Adj 고의의, 의도[계획]적인 (=intentional, planned) 2.신중한, 찬찬한 3.Verb 숙고[숙의]하다, 신중히 생각하다
21:18 “If men quarrel and one hits the other with a stone or with his fist and he does not die but is confined to bed,
confine 1.Verb (활동·주제·지역 등을) 국한시키다 (=restrict) 2.(사람·동물 등을 좁은 장소나 폐쇄된 곳에) 넣다[가두다]
3.Verb (질병 등으로 몸이) 침대, 휠체어 등에 얽매이다
21:28 “If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. But the owner of the bull will not be held responsible.
gore 1.Verb 뿔[엄니]로 들이받다 2.Noun (특히 폭행당한 상처에서 흘러나오는 짙은) 피, 선혈 (→gory)
21:29 If, however, the bull has had the habit of goring and the owner has been warned but has not kept it penned up and it kills a man or woman, the bull must be stoned and the owner also must be put to death.
pen 1.Noun 펜 (→ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, fountain pen) 2.(가축의) 우리 3.Verb 격식 (글 등을) 쓰다
21:33 “If a man uncovers a pit or digs one and fails to cover it and an ox or a donkey falls into it,
pit 1.Noun(크고 깊은) 구덩이 2.갱, (광물) 채취장 3.Verb (움푹 패인) 자국[구멍]을 남기다
dig 1.Verb(구멍 등을) 파다 2.(땅에서) 파내다[캐다] 3.Noun (손가락이나 팔꿈치로) 쿡 찌르기
(Chapter 22)
22:3 but if it happens after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed. “A thief must certainly make restitution, but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft.
restitution 1.Noun 격식 (분실물·절도 물품의) 반환 (=restoration) 2.법률 배상, 보상
22:6 “If a fire breaks out and spreads into thornbushes so that it burns shocks of grain or standing grain or the whole field, the one who started the fire must make restitution.
thornbush Noun 가시 돋친 관목, 가시나무 덤불
shock 1.Noun (보통 12단을 묶은) 보릿단 가리, 볏가리; [미] 옥수수 단 2.Transitive verb (볏)가리[단]로 만들다
22:21 “Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt.
mistreat Verb (사람·동물을) 학대[혹사]하다 (=ill-treat, maltreat)
oppress 1.Verb 탄압[억압]하다 2.압박감을 주다, 우울하게 만들다 (=weigh down)
22:22 “Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan.
take advantage of something/somebody 1.~을 이용하다, ~을 기회로 활용하다 2.~을 이용해 먹다[악용하다] (=exploit)
22:29 “Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats. “You must give me the firstborn of your sons.
granary Noun 곡물 저장고, 곡창
vat Noun 통(특히 산업 현장에서, 액체를 담는 데 쓰는 대형 통)
22:31 “You are to be my holy people. So do not eat the meat of an animal torn by wild beasts; throw it to the dogs.
(Chapter 23)
23:7 Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.
acquit 1.Verb 무죄를 선고하다 (↔convict) 2.잘, 잘못 처신하다[(능력을) 발휘하다] 등
23:11 but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what they leave. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.
grove 1.Noun(작은) 숲, 수풀 2.(특정 종류의 유실수가 심어져 있는) 밭, (작은 규모의) 과수원 3.(거리 이름에서) 그로브
23:16 “Celebrate the Feast of Harvest with the firstfruits of the crops you sow in your field. “Celebrate the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field.
ingathering 1.Noun (농산물의) 거둬들임, 수확 2.(사람 등의) 집합, 집회
23:33 Do not let them live in your land, or they will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to you.”
snare 1.Noun (사냥용) 덫[올가미] (=trap) 2.(비유적으로) 덫, (위험한) 유혹 3.Verb(특히 짐승을) 덫[올가미]으로 잡다 (=trap)
(Chapter 24)
24:13 Then Moses set out with Joshua his aide, and Moses went up on the mountain of God.
aide Noun 보좌관
(Chapter 25)
25:2 “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give.
prompt 1.Adj 즉각적인, 지체 없는 (=immediate) 2.신속한, 시간을 엄수하는(=punctual) 3.Verb(사람에게 어떤 결정을 내리도록어떤 일이 일어나도록) 하다[촉발하다] (=provoke)
25:5 ram skins dyed red and hides of sea cows; acacia wood;
hide 1.Noun (특히 큰) 짐승의 가죽 2.[구어] (사람의) 피부, 몸의 안전 3.Transitive verb 호되게 매질하다(beat)
25:7 and onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.
onyx Noun 줄 마노, 오닉스
25:11 Overlay it with pure gold, both inside and out, and make a gold molding around it.
overlay 1.Verb (무엇의 표면에 완전히) 덮어씌우다[입히다] 2.(어떤 감정기운을) 더하다[어리게 하다]
3.Noun 오버레이(도면수치 등의 위에 대고 수정할 때 쓰는 투명 용지)
25:17 “Make an atonement cover of pure gold–two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.
atonement 1.Noun 보상, 속죄, 죗값 2.[the A~] 그리스도의 속죄
25:25 Also make around it a rim a handbreadth wide and put a gold molding on the rim.
rim 1.Noun (둥근 물건의) 가장자리[테두리/테] 2.(바퀴의) 테 3.Verb 격식 가장자리[테]를 이루다[두르다]
handbreadth Noun 손의 폭, 손폭 치수, 뼘 ((지금은 약 4인치))
25:29 And make its plates and dishes of pure gold, as well as its pitchers and bowls for the pouring out of offerings.
pitcher 1.Noun (귀 모양의 손잡이와 주둥이가 있는) 물주전자 2.(=PITCHERFUL) 3.식물 낭상엽(囊狀葉)
25:38 Its wick trimmers and trays are to be of pure gold.
wick 1.Noun (양초의) 심지 2.(기름등잔의) 심지
(Chapter 26)
26:6 Then make fifty gold clasps and use them to fasten the curtains together so that the tabernacle is a unit.
clasp 1.Verb (꽉) 움켜쥐다[움켜잡다] 2.(꽉) 껴안다 3.Noun (가방이나 보석류의) 걸쇠[잠금쇠]
26:36 “For the entrance to the tent make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen–the work of an embroiderer.
embroider 1.Verb 수를 놓다 2.(이야기를) 윤색하다[꾸미다] (=embellish)
26:37 Make gold hooks for this curtain and five posts of acacia wood overlaid with gold. And cast five bronze bases for them.
cast 주물을 부어 만들다
(Chapter 27)
27:3 Make all its utensils of bronze–its pots to remove the ashes, and its shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks and firepans.
utensil Noun (가정에서 사용하는) 기구[도구]
27:4 Make a grating for it, a bronze network, and make a bronze ring at each of the four corners of the network.
grating 1.Noun (창문하수구 등의) 쇠창살 (→grate (2)) 2.Adj 귀에 거슬리는
27:5 Put it under the ledge of the altar so that it is halfway up the altar.
ledge 1.Noun 절벽에서 (선반처럼) 튀어나온 바위 2.(특히 창문 아래 벽에 붙인) 선반 (→sill)
27:8 Make the altar hollow, out of boards. It is to be made just as you were shown on the mountain.
hollow 1.Adj (속이) 빈 2.쑥 들어간, 움푹 꺼진 3.Noun (특히 땅 속으로) 움푹 꺼진 곳
27:19 All the other articles used in the service of the tabernacle, whatever their function, including all the tent pegs for it and those for the courtyard, are to be of bronze.
peg 1.Noun (무엇을 걸거나 고정하는 데 쓰는, 목재금속플라스틱으로 된) 못[핀] 2.(천막에 연결된 줄을 고정시키는) 말뚝 3.Verb (못집게 등으로) 고정하다 (=pegs)
27:21 In the Tent of Meeting, outside the curtain that is in front of the Testimony, Aaron and his sons are to keep the lamps burning before the LORD from evening till morning. This is to be a lasting ordinance among the Israelites for the generations to come.
ordinance Noun 격식 법령, 조례
(Chapter 28)
28:2 Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron, to give him dignity and honor.
dignity 1.Noun 위엄, 품위 2.존엄성 3.자존감
honor 1.Noun 명예 , 영예 2.[종종 an ~, the ~] 영광 , 광영, 특권 3.Transitive verb 존경하다 , 공경하다(respect)
28:4 These are the garments they are to make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a woven tunic, a turban and a sash. They are to make these sacred garments for your brother Aaron and his sons, so they may serve me as priests.
turban 1.Noun 터번(이슬람교도나 시크교도 남자들이 머리에 둘러 감는 수건) 2.(여성용) 터번형 모자
28:9 “Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel
onyx Noun 줄 마노, 오닉스
28:11 Engrave the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the way a gem cutter engraves a seal. Then mount the stones in gold filigree settings
filigree Noun 금[은] 줄 세공
28:14 and two braided chains of pure gold, like a rope, and attach the chains to the settings.
braided Ade 짠, 꼰; 몰로 장식한; (머리를) 땋은
28:16 It is to be square–a span long and a span wide–and folded double.
span 뼘
28:17 Then mount four rows of precious stones on it. In the first row there shall be a ruby, a topaz and a beryl;
topaz Noun 황옥, 토파즈
beryl Noun 녹주석(녹색·청색·황색 준보석의 일종)
28:18 in the second row a turquoise, a sapphire and an emerald;
turquoise 1.Noun 터키석(石), 터키옥(玉) 2.청록색
28:19 in the third row a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst;
jacinth 1.Noun (=HYACINTH) 2.적황색
agate Noun 마노(보석의 일종)
amethyst Noun 자수정
28:20 in the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper. Mount them in gold filigree settings.
chrysolite Noun 광물 귀감람석(貴橄欖石)
jasper 1.Noun 광물 벽옥(碧玉) 2.[미·속어] 사내, 녀석, 놈(fellow); 시골뜨기]
28:27 Make two more gold rings and attach them to the bottom of the shoulder pieces on the front of the ephod, close to the seam just above the waistband of the ephod.
seam 1.Noun 솔기 2.(석탄 같은 광물질의) 층, (지하 암반층의) 경계선 3.(판자 따위의) 이음매[접합선]
28:33 Make pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe, with gold bells between them.
pomegranate Noun 석류
hem 1.Noun (옷 등의) 단 2.Verb 단을 만들다[올리다]
28:41 After you put these clothes on your brother Aaron and his sons, anoint and ordain them. Consecrate them so they may serve me as priests.
ordain 1.Verb (성직자로) 임명하다 (→ordination) 2.격식 명하다, (미리) 정하다
28:43 Aaron and his sons must wear them whenever they enter the Tent of Meeting or approach the altar to minister in the Holy Place, so that they will not incur guilt and die. “This is to be a lasting ordinance for Aaron and his descendants.
incur 1.Verb (좋지 못한 상황을[에]) 초래하다[처하게 되다] 2.(비용을) 발생시키다[물게 되다]
ordinance Noun 격식 법령, 조례
(Chapter 29)
29:6 Put the turban on his head and attach the sacred diadem to the turban.
diadem Noun (특히 왕권의 상징으로 쓰는) 왕관[머리띠]
29:14 But burn the bull’s flesh and its hide and its offal outside the camp. It is a sin offering.
hide 1.Noun (특히 큰) 짐승의 가죽 2.[구어] (사람의) 피부, 몸의 안전 3.Transitive verb 호되게 매질하다(beat)
offal Noun (음식 재료로 쓰는 동물의) 내장
29:20 Slaughter it, take some of its blood and put it on the lobes of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Then sprinkle blood against the altar on all sides.
ear lobe ( lobe )Noun 귓불
(Chapter 30)
30:7 “Aaron must burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning when he tends the lamps.
tend 1.Verb (…하는) 경향이 있다, (…을) 하기 쉽다[잘 하다] 2.(특정한) 동향[성향]을 보이다 3.돌보다, 보살피다
30:12 “When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the LORD a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.
ransom 1.Noun (납치유괴된 사람에 대한) 몸값 2.Verb 몸값을 지불하다
30:23 “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant cane,
cane 1.Noun (대나무처럼 속이 빈) 줄기 2.(가구 등의 재료로 쓰이는) 줄기 3.Verb 회초리[매]로 때리다
calamus Noun [식물] 창포(sweet flag), 창포 뿌리줄기, [식물] (열대 아시아산) 등(籐), (새의) 깃촉(quill)
30:24 500 shekels of cassia–all according to the sanctuary shekel–and a hin of olive oil.
cassia Noun [식물] 계수나무; [U] 계피(桂皮), 육계(肉桂)
30:28 the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the basin with its stand.
utensil Noun (가정에서 사용하는) 기구[도구]
30:34 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take fragrant spices–gum resin, onycha and galbanum–and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts,
onycha 나감향 (신성한 향을 만드는 향 성분, 성경 출 30:34)
galbanum Noun [U] 갈바눔, 풍자향(楓子香) ((고무질 수지(樹脂); 의약·향료용))
frankincense Noun 유향(乳香: 특히 종교 의식 때 피우는 향)
(Chapter 31)
31:5 to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship.
craftsmanship 1.Noun 손재주 2.(훌륭한) 솜씨
31:14 “‘Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it must be put to death; whoever does any work on that day must be cut off from his people.
desecrate Verb (신성한 것을) 훼손하다
(Chapter 32)
32:4 He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.”
fashion 1.Noun (의상·머리형 등의) 유행(하는 스타일), 인기 2.(행동·문화 등의) 유행하는 방식 3.Verb (특히 손으로) 만들다[빚다]
32:6 So the next day the people rose early and sacrificed burnt offerings and presented fellowship offerings. Afterward they sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry.
revelry Noun 흥청대며 먹고 마시는 파티, 흥청대며 놀기 (=festivity, merrymaking)
32:12 Why should the Egyptians say, ‘It was with evil intent that he brought them out, to kill them in the mountains and to wipe them off the face of the earth’? Turn from your fierce anger; relent and do not bring disaster on your people.
relent 1.Verb (거부하다가 마침내) 동의하다 (=give in) 2.(기세·강도 등이) 수그러들다[누그러지다]
32:22 “Do not be angry, my lord,” Aaron answered. “You know how prone these people are to evil.
prone 1.Adj (좋지 않은 일을) 하기[당하기] 쉬운 (=liable) 2. …하기[당하기] 쉬운 (→accident-prone) 3.(배를 바닥에 대고) 엎어져[엎드려] 있는 (→supine), (=prostrate)
32:25 Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.
laughingstock Noun 웃음거리, 웃기는 일.
32:27 Then he said to them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.'”
strap 1.Noun (가죽천 등으로 된) 끈[줄/띠] 2.Verb 끈[줄/띠]으로 묶다
(Chapter 33)
33:22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.
cleft Noun (지면바위 등의) 갈라진 틈, (사람 턱의) 옴폭 들어간 부분
(Chapter 34)
34:1 The LORD said to Moses, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.
chisel 1.Noun 끌 2.Verb (끌로) 새기다[깎다]
34:6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,
abounding Adj 풍부한, 많은
34:12 Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you.
snare 1.Noun (사냥용) 덫[올가미] (=trap) 2.(비유적으로) 덫, (위험한) 유혹 3.Verb (특히 짐승을) 덫[올가미]으로 잡다 (=trap)
(Chapter 35)
(Chapter 36)
(Chapter 37)
(Chapter 38)
(Chapter 39)
39:3 They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen–the work of a skilled craftsman.
strand 1.Noun(실전선머리카락 등의)가닥[올/줄] 2.(생각계획이야기 등의) 가닥[부분] 3.Verb 오도 가도 못 하게 하다, 발을 묶다
39:6 They mounted the onyx stones in gold filigree settings and engraved them like a seal with the names of the sons of Israel.
filigree Noun 금[은] 줄 세공
39:9 It was square–a span long and a span wide–and folded double. 39:10 Then they mounted four rows of precious stones on it. In the first row there was a ruby, a topaz and a beryl;
39:11 in the second row a turquoise, a sapphire and an emerald;
39:12 in the third row a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst;
39:13 in the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper. They were mounted in gold filigree settings.
topaz Noun 황옥, 토파즈
beryl Noun 녹주석(녹색·청색·황색 준보석의 일종)
turquoise 1.Noun 터키석(石), 터키옥(玉) 2.청록색
jacinth 1.Noun (=HYACINTH) 2.적황색
agate Noun 마노(보석의 일종)
amethyst Noun 자수정
chrysolite Noun 광물 귀감람석(貴橄欖石)
jasper 1.Noun 광물 벽옥(碧玉) 2.[미·속어] 사내, 녀석, 놈(fellow); 시골뜨기]
39:15 For the breastpiece they made braided chains of pure gold, like a rope.
braided Ade 짠, 꼰; 몰로 장식한; (머리를) 땋은
39:20 Then they made two more gold rings and attached them to the bottom of the shoulder pieces on the front of the ephod, close to the seam just above the waistband of the ephod.
seam 1.Noun 솔기 2.(석탄 같은 광물질의) 층, (지하 암반층의) 경계선 3.(판자 따위의) 이음매[접합선]
39:30 They made the plate, the sacred diadem, out of pure gold and engraved on it, like an inscription on a seal: HOLY TO THE LORD.
diadem Noun (특히 왕권의 상징으로 쓰는) 왕관[머리띠]
39:39 the bronze altar with its bronze grating, its poles and all its utensils; the basin with its stand;
utensil Noun (가정에서 사용하는) 기구[도구]
(Chapter 40)
40:9 “Take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and everything in it; consecrate it and all its furnishings, and it will be holy.
furnishing 1.Noun 가구, 비품, 건구 ((집·방의)) 2.미 복식품(haberdashery)