Job (NIV) Chapter 1-20
(Chapter 1)
1:1 In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.
shun Verb 피하다
1:10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.
hedge 1.Noun 생울타리, 산울타리 2.(특히 금전 손실을 막기 위한) 대비책 3.Verb 얼버무리다
(Chapter 2)
2:3 Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason.”
incite Verb 선동[조장]하다
2:7 So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.
afflict Verb 격식 괴롭히다, 피해를 입히다
sore 1.Adj(보통 빨갛게 염증이 생기거나 근육을 많이 써서) 아픈[따가운/화끈거리는] 2.美(특히 부당한 대우에) 화가 난, 감정이 상한 (=annoyed) 3.Noun (흔히 빨갛게 된) 상처(→bedsore, canker sore, cold sore),(=wound)
(Chapter 3)
3:8 May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan.
rouse 1.Verb 격식 (특히 깊이 잠든 사람을) 깨우다 2.분발하게[열의를 갖게] 하다 3.(어떤 감정을) 불러일으키다[자아내다]
3:16 Or why was I not hidden in the ground like a stillborn child, like an infant who never saw the light of day?
stillborn 1.Adj사산(死産)된 2.(일이) 유산[무산]된
3:17 There the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at rest.
turmoil Noun 혼란, 소란 (=confusion)
3:23 Why is life given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged in?
hedge in 포위하다
hedge 1.Noun 생울타리, 산울타리 2.(특히 금전 손실을 막기 위한) 대비책 3.Verb 얼버무리다, 에워싸다
(Chapter 4)
4:2 “If someone ventures a word with you, will you be impatient? But who can keep from speaking?
venture 위험을 무릅쓰고 …하다
4:5 But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged; it strikes you, and you are dismayed.
dismay 1.Noun (충격을 받은 뒤의) 실망, 경악 2.Verb 경악하게 만들다, 크게 실망시키다
4:6 Should not your piety be your confidence and your blameless ways your hope?
piety Noun 경건함, 독실함 (↔impiety)
4:11 The lion perishes for lack of prey, and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.
cub Noun (곰·사자·여우 등의) 새끼
4:13 Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on men,
amid ( mid, amidst ) 1.Prep(특히 흥분·공포심이 느껴지는) 가운데[중]에 2.…으로 에워싸인
disquiet Noun 불안, 동요 (=unease)
4:16 It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A form stood before my eyes, and I heard a hushed voice:
hushed 1.Adj(아무도 말을 하지 않아서) 조용한, (보통 때보다 더) 고요한 2.소리를 낮춘, 숨죽인
(Chapter 5)
5:2 Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.
resentment Noun 분함, 억울함, 분개
5:5 The hungry consume his harvest, taking it even from among thorns, and the thirsty pant after his wealth.
pant Verb (숨을) 헐떡이다
5:6 For hardship does not spring from the soil, nor does trouble sprout from the ground.
hardship Noun (돈·식품 등의 부족에서 오는) 어려움[곤란]
trouble Noun 애, 문제, 곤란, 골칫거리 (→teething troubles)
5:9 He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.
fathom Verb (의미 등을) 헤아리다[가늠하다]
5:10 He bestows rain on the earth; he sends water upon the countryside.
bestow Verb (특히 존경의 뜻으로) 수여[부여]하다
5:12 He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.
thwart Verb (계획 등을) 좌절시키다 (=frustrate)
crafty Adj 술수[술책]가 뛰어난, 교활한 (=cunning, wily)
5:13 He catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away.
craftiness Noun 간사함 , 교활함.
scheme 1.Noun 英 (운영) 계획, 제도 (→colour scheme, pension scheme) 2.책략
wily Adj 약삭빠른, 교활한 (=cunning)
5:15 He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth; he saves them from the clutches of the powerful.
clutch 1.Noun (꽉) 붙잡음; [보통 pl.] 움켜쥠; 마수(魔手), 수중(手中) 2.(기계) 클러치, 연축기(連軸機), (기중기의) 갈고랑이, (보트의) 노를 거는 쇠고리 3.T verb 꽉잡다; 붙들다, 부여잡다
5:19 From six calamities he will rescue you; in seven no harm will befall you.
befall Verb 닥치다
5:20 In famine he will ransom you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword.
ransom 1.Noun (납치유괴된 사람에 대한) 몸값 2.Verb 몸값을 지불하다
5:24 You will know that your tent is secure; you will take stock of your property and find nothing missing.
stock 1.Noun (상점의) 재고품[재고] 2.비축물, 저장품 3.Verb (판매할 상품을 갖춰 두고) 있다
5:26 You will come to the grave in full vigor, like sheaves gathered in season.
vigor ( vigour ) 1.Noun 정력, 힘, 활력 2.활기, 정신력, 기력, 원기 3.힘
sheaf ( Plural: sheaves ) 1.Noun (종이) 다발[묶음] 2.(밀을 베어 묶어 놓은) 단[묶음]
(Chapter 6)
6:3 It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas–no wonder my words have been impetuous.
impetuous Adj 성급한, 충동적인 (=rash, impulsive), 경솔한
6:4 The arrows of the Almighty are in me, my spirit drinks in their poison; God’s terrors are marshaled against me.
marshal 인도하다, 안내하다, 이끌어가다
6:5 Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder?
bray Verb (당나귀가 시끄럽게) 울다
bellow 1.Verb (우렁찬 소리로) 고함치다 (=yell) 2.(황소 같은 큰 짐승이) 우렁찬 소리를 내다
6:10 Then I would still have this consolation–my joy in unrelenting pain–that I had not denied the words of the Holy One.
consolation Noun 위안[위로](을 주는 사람·것), (=comfort)
unrelenting 1.Adj 끊임없는, 수그러들 줄 모르는(=relentless) 2.(사람이) 가차없는 (=relentless)
6:11 “What strength do I have, that I should still hope? What prospects, that I should be patient?
prospect 1.Noun (어떤 일이 있을) 가망[가능성] 2.예상
6:15 But my brothers are as undependable as intermittent streams, as the streams that overflow
intermittent Adj 간헐적인, 간간이 일어나는 (=sporadic)
6:16 when darkened by thawing ice and swollen with melting snow,
thaw 1.Verb 녹다 (=melt), (↔freeze) 2.날이 해동하다, 날씨가 풀리다 3.Noun 해빙기
6:20 They are distressed, because they had been confident; they arrive there, only to be disappointed.
distressed 1.Adj(심리적으로) 괴로워[고통스러워] 하는 2.(신체적으로) 아파[고통스러워] 하는, 허약한 3.오래된[낡은] 것처럼 만든
6:23 deliver me from the hand of the enemy, ransom me from the clutches of the ruthless’?
ruthless Adj 못마땅함 무자비한, 가차 없는, 인정사정없는
6:29 Relent, do not be unjust; reconsider, for my integrity is at stake.
relent 1.Verb (거부하다가 마침내) 동의하다 (=give in) 2.(기세·강도 등이) 수그러들다[누그러지다]
unjust Adj 부당한, 불공평한 (↔just)
(Chapter 7)
7:3 so I have been allotted months of futility, and nights of misery have been assigned to me.
futility 1.Noun [U] 무용(無用), 헛됨, 무가치, 무익; [U] 공허 2.쓸데없는 사물 3.경박한 행동, 무익한 언동, 어리석은 행동, 헛된 노력
7:4 When I lie down I think, ‘How long before I get up?’ The night drags on, and I toss till dawn.
drag on (너무 오랫동안) 질질 끌다[계속되다]
7:5 My body is clothed with worms and scabs, my skin is broken and festering.
scab 1.Noun (상처의) 딱지 2.(동물의) 피부병, 옴
fester 1.Verb 곪다 2.곪아터지다, 훨씬 심해지다
7:6 “My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and they come to an end without hope.
weaver’s shuttle 베틀의 북
shuttle 1.Noun (두 지역을 정기적으로 오가는) 정기 왕복 항공기[버스/기차] 2.(=space shuttle) 3.Verb (두 장소를 자주) 오가다[왕복하다]
7:15 so that I prefer strangling and death, rather than this body of mine.
strangle 1.Verb 교살하다, 목 졸라 죽이다 2.목을 조이다, 옭죄다
(Chapter 8)
8:2 “How long will you say such things? Your words are a blustering wind.
blustering Adjective 세차게 몰아치는; 호통치는, 뽐내는
bluster 1.Verb 고함치다, 엄포를 놓다 2.Verb 거세게 불다
8:6 if you are pure and upright, even now he will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your rightful place.
rouse 1.Verb (특히 깊이 잠든 사람을) 깨우다 2.분발하게[열의를 갖게] 하다 3.(어떤 감정을) 불러일으키다[자아내다]
8:11 Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? Can reeds thrive without water?
marsh Noun 습지(지대가 낮고 물이 잘 빠지지 않아 늘 축축한 땅)
8:17 it entwines its roots around a pile of rocks and looks for a place among the stones.
entwine 1.Verb 꼬다, 휘감다 2.뒤엉키다, 얽히다
(Chapter 9)
9:4 His wisdom is profound, his power is vast. Who has resisted him and come out unscathed?
unscathed Adj 다치지 않은, 아무 탈 없는 (=unharmed)
9:9 He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.
constellation 1.Noun 별자리, 성좌 2.격식 (관련 있는 생각·사물·사람들의) 무리, 기라성
Pleiades 1.Noun 그리스신화 Atlas의 일곱 명의 딸 2.천문 [the ~] 묘성(昴星)
9:10 He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.
fathom 1.Verb (의미 등을) 헤아리다[가늠하다]
9:13 God does not restrain his anger; even the cohorts of Rahab cowered at his feet.
cohort 1.Noun (통계적으로 동일한 특색이나 행동 양식을 공유하는) 집단 2.못마땅함 (어떤 사람의) 지지자
cower Verb (겁을 먹고) 몸을 숙이다[웅크리다]
9:21 “Although I am blameless, I have no concern for myself; I despise my own life.
concern 1.Verb (사람에게) 영향을 미치다[관련되다] 2.(무엇에) 관한[관련된] 것이다 3.(특히 많은 사람들이 공유하는) 우려[걱정] (→unconcern), 관심을 갖다.
9:23 When a scourge brings sudden death, he mocks the despair of the innocent.
scourge 1.Noun 격식 재앙, 골칫거리 2.(과거 사람들을 벌할 때 쓰던) 채찍[매] 3.verrb 괴롭히다, 고통을 안겨 주다
9:24 When a land falls into the hands of the wicked, he blindfolds its judges. If it is not he, then who is it?
blindfold 1.Noun 눈가리개 2.Verb (눈가리개로) 눈을 가리다
9:25 “My days are swifter than a runner; they fly away without a glimpse of joy.
glimpse 1.Noun (완전히는 못 보고) 잠깐[언뜻] 봄, 일별 2.(무엇을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는) 짧은 경험[접촉]
3.Verb 잠깐[언뜻] 보다 (=catch sight of, spot)
9:26 They skim past like boats of papyrus, like eagles swooping down on their prey.
skim 1.Verb (액체 위에 뜬 기름기 등을) 걷어 내다 2.(표면을) 스치듯 하며 지나가다[지나가게 하다] (→skip) 3.(필요한 부분을 찾거나 요점을 알기 위해) 훑어보다
swoop 1.Verb (특히 공격을 하기 위해) 급강하하다, 위에서 덮치다 (=dive) 2.급습[기습]하다 3.Noun (새비행기의) 급강하, 위에서 덮침 (=dive)
9:29 Since I am already found guilty, why should I struggle in vain?
struggle 1.Verb 투쟁[고투]하다, 몸부림치다, 허우적[버둥]거리다 2.힘겹게 나아가다[하다] 3.Noun 투쟁, 분투
9:31 you would plunge me into a slime pit so that even my clothes would detest me.
slime Noun (더럽고) 끈적끈적한 물질, 점액 (→slimy)
slime pit 역청갱(瀝靑坑), 역청 채굴장
(Chapter 10)
10:1 “I loathe my very life; therefore I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.
loathe Verb 혐오하다 (=detest)
rein 1.Noun 고삐 2.Noun 英 아동 보호용 가죽끈(어린 아이와 함께 길을 걷거나 할 때 아이가 멀리 가지 못하도록 몸에 둘러 그 한쪽 … 3.(통솔지휘의) 고삐, 통솔권, 통제력
10:3 Does it please you to oppress me, to spurn the work of your hands, while you smile on the schemes of the wicked?
oppress 1.Verb 탄압[억압]하다 2.압박감을 주다, 우울하게 만들다 (=weigh down)
spurn Verb 퇴짜 놓다, 일축하다 (=shun)
10:6 that you must search out my faults and probe after my sin–
probe 1.Verb 캐묻다, 캐다, 조사하다 (=investigate) 2.(특히 길고 가느다란 기구로) 살피다[탐사/탐색하다] 3.Noun (철저한) 조사
10:10 Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese,
curdle 1.Verb (특히 우유가[를] 액체와 고체로) 분리되다[분리시키다] 2.(극도의 공포나 충격으로 피를[가]) 얼어붙게 만들다[얼어붙는 듯하다] (→blood-curdling)
10:11 clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews?
sinew 1.Noun (근육과 뼈를 잇는) 힘줄 2.Noun 문예체 정력, 힘
10:12 You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.
providence ( Providence ) Noun (신의) 섭리 (=fate)
10:13 “But this is what you concealed in your heart, and I know that this was in your mind:
conceal Verb 격식 감추다, 숨기다 (→ill-concealed)
10:15 If I am guilty–woe to me! Even if I am innocent, I cannot lift my head, for I am full of shame and drowned in my affliction.
affliction Noun 고통, 고통의 원인
10:16 If I hold my head high, you stalk me like a lion and again display your awesome power against me.
stalk 1.T verb <사냥감·사람 등에> 몰래 접근하다, 가만히 뒤를 밟다, <이성에게> 집요하게 추근대다
2.<병·재해 등이> <어떤 지방에> 만연하다, 퍼지다 3.I verb 젠체하며 걷다, 으스대며 걷다, 활보하다
10:22 to the land of deepest night, of deep shadow and disorder, where even the light is like darkness.”
disorder 1.Noun 엉망, 어수선함 (↔order) 2.(많은 사람들에 의한) 난동[무질서] (→order (3)) 3.(신체 기능의) 장애[이상]
(Chapter 11)
11:2 “Are all these words to go unanswered? Is this talker to be vindicated?
vindicate 1.Verb (특히 남들은 달리 생각할 때) …의 정당성을 입증하다 (=justify) 2.(혐의를 받고 있는 사람의) 무죄를 입증하다[혐의를 벗기다]
11:7 “Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?
fathom Verb (의미 등을) 헤아리다[가늠하다]
11:10 “If he comes along and confines you in prison and convenes a court, who can oppose him?
confine 1.Verb (활동·주제·지역 등을) 국한시키다 (=restrict) 2.(사람·동물 등을 좁은 장소나 폐쇄된 곳에) 넣다[가두다]
3.(질병 등으로 몸이) 침대, 휠체어 등에 얽매이다
convene 1.Verb (회의 등을) 소집하다 2.회합하다
11:12 But a witless man can no more become wise than a wild donkey’s colt can be born a man.
witless Adj 어리석은, 무분별한 (=foolish)
11:19 You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor.
court 1.Noun 법정, 법원 (→courthouse, courtroom) 2.법정에 있는 사람들(특히 판사, 배심원같이 결정을 내리는 사람들) (→contempt of court, county court, Crown Court, High Cou… 3.Verb …의 환심을 사려고 하다 (=cultivate)
11:20 But the eyes of the wicked will fail, and escape will elude them; their hope will become a dying gasp.”
elude 1.Verb (교묘히) 피하다[빠져나가다] 2.(무엇을) 이룰[이해할/기억할] 수가 없다
gasp 1.Verb 숨이 턱 막히다, 헉 하고 숨을 쉬다 2.숨을 제대로 못 쉬다, 말을 제대로 못 하다 3.Noun (숨이 막히는 듯) 헉[휴] 하는 소리를 냄
(Chapter 12)
12:4 “I have become a laughingstock to my friends, though I called upon God and he answered–a mere laughingstock, though righteous and blameless!
laughingstock Noun 웃음거리, 웃기는 일.
12:6 The tents of marauders are undisturbed, and those who provoke God are secure–those who carry their god in their hands.
marauder Noun 약탈자, 습격자.
12:18 He takes off the shackles put on by kings and ties a loincloth around their waist.
loincloth Noun (일부 더운 나라에서 남자들이 아랫도리에 하나만 걸치는) 샅바
12:24 He deprives the leaders of the earth of their reason; he sends them wandering through a trackless waste.
trackless 1.Adj 발자국 없는, 길 없는 2.무궤도의 3.자취를 남기지 않는
12:25 They grope in darkness with no light; he makes them stagger like drunkards.
grope 1.Verb (손으로) 더듬다 2.(앞이 보이지 않아) 더듬으며 가다 3.Noun (상대방의) 몸을 더듬기[만지기]
stagger 1.Verb 비틀[휘청]거리다, 비틀[휘청]거리며 가다 (=totter) 2.큰 충격을 주다, 깜짝 놀라게 하다 (=amaze) 3.(진행되는 일에) 시차를 두다
(Chapter 13)
13:4 You, however, smear me with lies; you are worthless physicians, all of you!
smear 1.Verb (기름기가 있거나 부드러운 물질을) 마구 바르다[문지르다] (=daub) 2.(기름기 등으로) 더럽히다 3.Noun (기름기 등이 묻은) 얼룩[자국]
13:8 Will you show him partiality? Will you argue the case for God?
partiality 1.Noun 편애, 편파(적인 지지),(↔impartiality), (=bias) 2.~을 아주 좋아함(=fondness),
13:12 Your maxims are proverbs of ashes; your defenses are defenses of clay.
maxim Noun 격언, 금언
13:14 Why do I put myself in jeopardy and take my life in my hands?
jeopardy 1.Noun [보통 in ~로] 위험(risk) 2.Noun 미국법 (피고의) 유죄가 될 위험성
13:18 Now that I have prepared my case, I know I will be vindicated.
vindicate 1.Verb …의 정당성을 입증하다 (=justify) 2. 무죄를 입증하다[혐의를 벗기다]
13:25 Will you torment a windblown leaf? Will you chase after dry chaff?
torment 1.Noun 격식 (특히 정신적인) 고통, 고뇌; 고통을 안겨 주는 사람[것], 고민거리 (=anguish) 2.Verb 격식 고통을 안겨 주다, 괴롭히다 (=plague)
chaff 1.Noun 왕겨(husks of grain) 2.여물 (마소의 사료) 3.T verb <짚 등을> 썰다
(Chapter 14)
14:2 He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure.
fleeting Adj 순식간의, 잠깐 동안의 (=brief)
14:9 yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.
scent 1.Noun 향기, 향내 2.(개 등이 추적하는 데 단서가 되는) 냄새, (냄새를 통해 남아 있는) 자취 (=trail) 3.Verb 냄새로 찾아내다
14:11 As water disappears from the sea or a riverbed becomes parched and dry,
riverbed Noun 강바닥, 하상(河床).
parch Verb 바싹 마르게[몹시 건조하게] 하다
14:13 “If only you would hide me in the grave and conceal me till your anger has passed! If only you would set me a time and then remember me!
conceal Verb 격식 감추다, 숨기다 (→ill-concealed)
14:14 If a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come.
renewal 1.Noun 재개, 부활 2.갱신, (기한) 연장 3.재개발; 회복, 개선
14:18 “But as a mountain erodes and crumbles and as a rock is moved from its place,
erode 1.Verb (비바람이[에]) 침식[풍화]시키다[되다] (=wear away) 2.(서서히) 약화시키다[무너뜨리다], 약화되다[무너지다]
crumble 1.Verb 바스러지다, 바스러뜨리다 2.(건물이나 땅이) 허물어지다[무너지다] 3.Noun 英 크럼블(과일에 밀가루버터설탕을 섞은 반죽을 씌운 뒤 오븐에 구워, 보통 뜨겁게 상에 내는 디저트)
14:19 as water wears away stones and torrents wash away the soil, so you destroy man’s hope.
torrent 1.Noun 급류 2.마구 쏟아짐[퍼부음], 빗발침 (=deluge)
14:20 You overpower him once for all, and he is gone; you change his countenance and send him away.
countenance 1.Noun 얼굴 (표정) 2.Verb 격식 지지[동의]하다 (=consent to)
(Chapter 15)
15:2 “Would a wise man answer with empty notions or fill his belly with the hot east wind?
notion Noun 개념, 관념, 생각
15:4 But you even undermine piety and hinder devotion to God.
undermine 1.Verb (특히 자신감·권위 등을) 약화시키다 2.기반을 약화시키다
piety Noun 경건함, 독실함 (↔impiety)
hinder Verb 저해[방해]하다, …을 못하게 하다 (→hindrance), (=hamper)
15:5 Your sin prompts your mouth; you adopt the tongue of the crafty.
prompt 1.Adj 즉각적인, 지체 없는 (=immediate) 2.신속한, 시간을 엄수하는 (=punctual) 3.Verb (사람에게 어떤 결정을 내리도록어떤 일이 일어나도록) 하다[촉발하다] (=provoke)
crafty Adj 술수[술책]가 뛰어난, 교활한 (=cunning, wily)
15:11 Are God’s consolations not enough for you, words spoken gently to you?
consolation Noun 위안[위로](을 주는 사람·것), (=comfort)
15:13 so that you vent your rage against God and pour out such words from your mouth?
vent 1.Noun 통풍구, 환기구 (→register) 2.(새물고기파충류 등의) 항문 3.Verb 격식 (감정분통을) 터뜨리다
15:16 how much less man, who is vile and corrupt, who drinks up evil like water!
vile 1.Adj 극도로 불쾌한[나쁜] (=disgusting) 2. 비도덕적인, 절대 용납할 수 없는 (=wicked)
15:20 All his days the wicked man suffers torment, the ruthless through all the years stored up for him.
torment 1.Noun 격식 (특히 정신적인) 고통, 고뇌; 고통을 안겨 주는 사람[것], 고민거리 (=anguish) 2.Verb 격식 고통을 안겨 주다, 괴롭히다 (=plague)
ruthless Adj 무자비한, 가차 없는, 인정사정없는
15:21 Terrifying sounds fill his ears; when all seems well, marauders attack him.
marauder Noun 약탈자, 습격자
15:22 He despairs of escaping the darkness; he is marked for the sword.
despair 1.Noun 절망 (→desperate) 2.Verb 절망[체념]하다, 필사적으로 애쓰다
15:24 Distress and anguish fill him with terror; they overwhelm him, like a king poised to attack,
distress 1.Noun (정신적) 고통, 괴로움 2.고충, 곤경 (=hardship) 3.Verb 괴롭히다, 고통스럽게 하다
anguish Noun (극심한) 괴로움, 비통
poised 1.Adj(금방이라도 동작을 취할) 태세를 갖추고 있는 2.아슬아슬하게 균형을 이루고 있는 3.(~을 할) 준비가 다 된 (=set)
15:25 because he shakes his fist at God and vaunts himself against the Almighty,
vaunt 1.T verb, Intransitive verb 문어 자랑하다(boast), 허풍떨다, …의 장점[좋은 점]을 치켜세우다 2.Noun 자랑, 허풍, 호언 장담
15:26 defiantly charging against him with a thick, strong shield.
defiantly Adv 반항적으로, 도전적으로; 교만하게
15:27 “Though his face is covered with fat and his waist bulges with flesh,
bulge 1.Verb (~으로) 가득 차다[불룩하다] 2.(동그랗게) 툭 튀어[불거져] 나오다 3.Noun 툭 튀어[불거져] 나온 것, 불룩한 것
15:28 he will inhabit ruined towns and houses where no one lives, houses crumbling to rubble.
crumble 1.Verb 바스러지다, 바스러뜨리다 2.(건물이나 땅이) 허물어지다[무너지다]
15:35 They conceive trouble and give birth to evil; their womb fashions deceit.”
fashion 1.Noun (의상·머리형 등의) 유행(하는 스타일), 인기 2.(행동·문화 등의) 유행하는 방식 3.Verb (특히 손으로) 만들다[빚다]
(Chapter 16)
16:3 Will your long-winded speeches never end? What ails you that you keep on arguing?
long-winded Adj 길고 지루한, 장황한
ail 1.Verb 격식 괴롭히다 2. 아프게[병들게] 하다
16:7 Surely, O God, you have worn me out; you have devastated my entire household.
devastate 1.Verb (한 장소나 지역을) 완전히 파괴하다 2.(사람에게) 엄청난 충격을 주다, 비탄에 빠뜨리다
16:8 You have bound me–and it has become a witness; my gauntness rises up and testifies against me.
gauntness Noun 몹시 여윔, 수척함; 으스스함.
16:9 God assails me and tears me in his anger and gnashes his teeth at me; my opponent fastens on me his piercing eyes.
assail 1.Verb (신체적·언어적) 공격을 가하다 2.(몹시) 괴롭히다
16:10 Men open their mouths to jeer at me; they strike my cheek in scorn and unite together against me.
jeer 1.Verb 야유[조롱]하다 (=taunt) 2.야유, 조롱 (=taunt)
16:12 All was well with me, but he shattered me; he seized me by the neck and crushed me. He has made me his target;
shatter 1.Verb 산산이 부서지다, 산산조각 나다; 산산이 부수다. 산산조각 내다 2.(특히 희망·신념 등을[이]) 산산조각 내다[산산조각 나다] 3.엄청난 충격을 주다
16:13 his archers surround me. Without pity, he pierces my kidneys and spills my gall on the ground.
gall 1.Noun (동물의) 담즙, 쓸개즙 ((사람의 것은 bile)); = GALLBLADDER 2.[the ~] 뻔뻔스러움, 철면피 3.괴로움, 쓴것, 쓴맛
16:14 Again and again he bursts upon me; he rushes at me like a warrior.
burst 1.Verb 터지다, 파열하다; 터뜨리다, 파열시키다 2.불쑥 가다[오다/움직이다] 3.Noun (갑자기) 한바탕 …을 함[터뜨림]
16:15 “I have sewed sackcloth over my skin and buried my brow in the dust.
brow 1.Noun 문예체 이마 (=forehead) 2.(=eyebrow) 3.(언덕) 꼭대기, 등성이 (→highbrow, middlebrow, lowbrow)
16:19 Even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high.
advocate 1.Verb 격식 (공개적으로) 지지하다[옹호하다] 2.옹호자, 지지자 (→devil’s advocate)
(Chapter 17)
17:3 “Give me, O God, the pledge you demand. Who else will put up security for me?
pledge 1.Noun (굳은) 약속, 맹세, 서약 (=commitment) 2.저당[담보](금) 3.Verb (정식으로) 약속[맹세]하다
17:5 If a man denounces his friends for reward, the eyes of his children will fail.
denounce 1.Verb 맹렬히 비난하다 2.(불법적인 정치 활동에 대해) 고발하다 (→denunciation)
17:6 “God has made me a byword to everyone, a man in whose face people spit.
byword 1.Noun (특정한 자질의) 전형[대명사] 2.특히 美 상투적인 어구
17:8 Upright men are appalled at this; the innocent are aroused against the ungodly.
appall ( appal ) T verb 오싹하게[질겁하게] 하다, 질리게 하다(terrify)
aroused Adjective 흥분한
17:11 My days have passed, my plans are shattered, and so are the desires of my heart.
shatter 1.Verb 산산이 부서지다, 산산조각 나다; 산산이 부수다. 산산조각 내다 2.(특히 희망·신념 등을[이]) 산산조각 내다[산산조각 나다] 3.엄청난 충격을 주다
(Chapter 18)
18:2 “When will you end these speeches? Be sensible, and then we can talk.
sensible 1.Adj분별[양식] 있는, 합리적인 2.(멋보다)실용적인 3.…을 의식하고[알고] 있는
18:5 “The lamp of the wicked is snuffed out; the flame of his fire stops burning.
snuff 1.Verb (촛불 같은 것을 손가락으로눌러서) 끄다 (=extinguish) 2.코를 킁킁거리다, (코를 킁킁거리며) 냄새 맡다
18:7 The vigor of his step is weakened; his own schemes throw him down.
vigor ( vigour ) 1.Noun 정력, 힘, 활력 2.활기, 정신력, 기력, 원기
scheme 1.Noun 英 (운영) 계획, 제도 (→colour scheme, pension scheme) 2.책략 3.Verb 책략을 꾸미다, 획책하다 (=plot)
18:8 His feet thrust him into a net and he wanders into its mesh.
mesh 1.Noun 그물망, 철망 2.그물망(같이 복잡하고 빠져나가기 어려운 상황시스템), (=web) 3.Verb 딱 들어맞다[맞물리다], 꼭 들어맞게[맞물리게] 하다
18:9 A trap seizes him by the heel; a snare holds him fast.
snare 1.Noun (사냥용) 덫[올가미] (=trap) 2.(비유적으로) 덫, (위험한) 유혹 3.Verb (특히 짐승을) 덫[올가미]으로 잡다 (=trap)
18:10 A noose is hidden for him on the ground; a trap lies in his path.
noose Noun 올가미
18:11 Terrors startle him on every side and dog his every step.
dog 1.Noun 개 (→guide dog, gun dog, hearing dog, lapdog, prairie dog, sheepdog, sniffer dog, tracker dog) 2. (개여우늑대의) 수컷 (→bitch) 3.Verb (오랫동안) 괴롭히다
(Chapter 19)
19:3 Ten times now you have reproached me; shamelessly you attack me.
reproach 1.Noun 비난, 책망, 나무람 2.비난의 말, 잔소리 3.Verb (실망하여) 비난[책망]하다
19:5 If indeed you would exalt yourselves above me and use my humiliation against me,
humiliation 1.Noun 창피 줌[당함] 2.굴욕, 굴복; 창피, 면목 없음
19:8 He has blocked my way so I cannot pass; he has shrouded my paths in darkness.
shroud 1.Noun 수의(壽衣) 2.문예체 장막 3.Verb 뒤덮다, 가리다
19:13 “He has alienated my brothers from me; my acquaintances are completely estranged from me.
alienate 1.Verb (사람을) 소원하게[멀어지게] 만들다 2.Verb 소외감을 느끼게 하다
estrange 1.T verb <사람을> (친구·가족 등에게서) 떼어 놓다; 사이를 멀어지게 하다, 이간하다(alienate); <사람을> 소원하게 하다, .
19:17 My breath is offensive to my wife; I am loathsome to my own brothers.
loathsome Adj 격식 혐오스러운 (=repulsive)
19:19 All my intimate friends detest me; those I love have turned against me.
detest Verb 몹시 싫어하다, 혐오하다 (=loathe)
19:27 I myself will see him with my own eyes–I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!
yearn Verb 문예체 갈망하다, 동경하다 (=long)
19:28 “If you say, ‘How we will hound him, since the root of the trouble lies in him,’
hound 1.Noun 사냥개 (→Afghan hound, bloodhound, foxhound, greyhound, wolfhound) 2.Verb 따라다니며 괴롭히다 (=harass)
(Chapter 20)
20:2 “My troubled thoughts prompt me to answer because I am greatly disturbed.
troubled 1.Adj걱정하는, 불안해하는 2.문제가 많은, 힘든
disturbed 1.Adj(특히 충격적인 경험으로 인해) 정신적 장애가 있는 2.대단히 불행한 3.매우 불안해하는 (→undisturbed)
20:3 I hear a rebuke that dishonors me, and my understanding inspires me to reply.
dishonor ( dishonour ) 1.Noun 불명예, 망신, 치욕 (→disgrace) 2.[또는 a ~] 망신거리, 망신시키는 것 ((to)) 3.T verb …의 명예를 손상시키다[더럽히다], 창피를 주다(disgrace)
20:5 that the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless lasts but a moment.
mirth Noun (유쾌한·즐거운) 웃음소리, 즐거움 (=merriment)
20:10 His children must make amends to the poor; his own hands must give back his wealth.
make amends to — 대해 배상하다.
20:16 He will suck the poison of serpents; the fangs of an adder will kill him.
adder Noun (유럽산) 살무사
fang Noun (뱀·개 등의) 송곳니
20:19 For he has oppressed the poor and left them destitute; he has seized houses he did not build.
oppress 1.Verb 탄압[억압]하다 2.압박감을 주다, 우울하게 만들다 (=weigh down)
destitute 1.Adj 극빈한, 궁핍한 2.극빈자들 3.…이 없는
20:20 “Surely he will have no respite from his craving; he cannot save himself by his treasure.
respite 1.Noun (곤경·불쾌한 일의) 일시적인 중단, 한숨 돌리기 2.(힘들거나 불쾌한 일의) 유예[연기] (=reprieve)
craving Noun 갈망, 열망
20:25 He pulls it out of his back, the gleaming point out of his liver. Terrors will come over him;
gleaming Adj 빛나는, 환한
gleam 1.Verb 어슴푸레[희미하게] 빛나다 2.(아주 깨끗하게) 환하다[반짝이다] 3.Noun (흔히 어디에 반사된) 어슴푸레한[흐릿한] 빛
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