Job (NIV) Chapter 21-42
(Chapter 21)
21:16 But their prosperity is not in their own hands, so I stand aloof from the counsel of the wicked.
aloof Adj 냉담한 (=distant, remote)
21:18 How often are they like straw before the wind, like chaff swept away by a gale?
gale 1.Noun 강풍, 돌풍 2.왁자지껄한 웃음[폭소]
21:24 his body well nourished, his bones rich with marrow.
bone marrow ( marrow ) Noun 골수
21:31 Who denounces his conduct to his face? Who repays him for what he has done?
denounce 1.Verb 맹렬히 비난하다 2.Verb (불법적인 정치 활동에 대해) 고발하다 (→denunciation)
21:33 The soil in the valley is sweet to him; all men follow after him, and a countless throng goes before him.
throng 1.Noun 문예체 인파, 군중 2.Verb 문예체 (떼를 지어) 모여들다[모여 있다]
(Chapter 22)
22:10 That is why snares are all around you, why sudden peril terrifies you,
snare 1.Noun (사냥용) 덫[올가미] (=trap) 2.(비유적으로) 덫, (위험한) 유혹 3.Verb (특히 짐승을) 덫[올가미]으로 잡다 (=trap)
peril 1.Noun (심각한) 위험 2.위험성, 유해함
22:12 “Is not God in the heights of heaven? And see how lofty are the highest stars!
lofty 1.Adj (인상적이게) 아주 높은, 우뚝한 2.호감 고귀한, 고결한 3.오만한, 거만한 (=haughty)
22:18 Yet it was he who filled their houses with good things, so I stand aloof from the counsel of the wicked.
aloof Adj 냉담한 (=distant, remote)
22:24 and assign your nuggets to the dust, your gold of Ophir to the rocks in the ravines,
nugget 1.Noun (땅에서 발견되는 귀금속, 특히 금) 덩어리 2.너겟(작고 동그랗게 만든 음식) 3.<작지만 가치 있는 생각·사실 등> (=snippet)
22:29 When men are brought low and you say, ‘Lift them up!’ then he will save the downcast.
downcast 1.Adj 내리뜬 2. 풀이 죽은, 풀기 없는 (=dejected)
(Chapter 23)
23:9 When he is at work in the north, I do not see him; when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.
glimpse 1.Noun (완전히는 못 보고) 잠깐[언뜻] 봄, 일별 2.(무엇을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는) 짧은 경험[접촉] 3.Verb 잠깐[언뜻] 보다 (=catch sight of, spot)
23:14 He carries out his decree against me, and many such plans he still has in store.
decree 1.Noun 법령, 칙령 2.(법원의) 결정[판결] 3.Verb (법령판결 등에 따라) 명하다[결정하다]
(Chapter 24)
24:3 They drive away the orphan’s donkey and take the widow’s ox in pledge.
pledge 1.Noun 약속, 맹세, 서약(=commitment) 2.저당[담보](금) 3.Verb 약속[맹세]하다
24:5 Like wild donkeys in the desert, the poor go about their labor of foraging food; the wasteland provides food for their children.
forage 1.Verb 먹이를 찾다 2.…을 찾다 (=rummage) 3.Noun (소말의) 사료
24:6 They gather fodder in the fields and glean in the vineyards of the wicked.
glean Verb (정보·지식 등을 어렵게 여기저기서) 얻다[모으다]
24:8 They are drenched by mountain rains and hug the rocks for lack of shelter.
drench Verb 흠뻑 적시다 (=soak)
24:12 The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out for help. But God charges no one with wrongdoing.
wrongdoing Noun 격식 범법[부정] 행위, 비행 (=crime, offence)
24:15 The eye of the adulterer watches for dusk; he thinks, ‘No eye will see me,’ and he keeps his face concealed.
conceal Verb 격식 감추다, 숨기다 (→ill-concealed)
24:21 They prey on the barren and childless woman, and to the widow show no kindness.
prey on/upon somebody/something 1.~을 잡아먹다 2.(자기보다 약자를) 등쳐먹다[사기 치다]
(Chapter 25)
25:2 “Dominion and awe belong to God; he establishes order in the heights of heaven.
dominion 1.Noun 문예체 지배[통치](권) 2. 영토, 영지 3.영연방 자치령(→colony, protectorate)
awe 1.Noun 경외감, 외경심 2.Verb 격식 온통 경외심을 갖게 하다
(Chapter 26)
26:2 “How you have helped the powerless! How you have saved the arm that is feeble!
feeble 1.Adj 아주 약한 2.(효과·의지 등이) 허약한, 미미한
26:11 The pillars of the heavens quake, aghast at his rebuke.
aghast Adj 경악한, 겁에 질린 (=horrified)
26:12 By his power he churned up the sea; by his wisdom he cut Rahab to pieces.
churn 1.Verb (물흙탕물 등이[을]) 마구 휘돌다[휘젓다] 2.(걱정역겨움 등으로) (속이[을]) 뒤틀리다[뒤틀리게 하다] 3.Noun (버터를 만드는) 교유기
26:14 And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?”
fringe 1.Noun 英 (눈썹 위까지 내려오게 자른) 앞머리 2.(실을 꼬아 장식으로 만든) 술 3.Verb 둘레[가장자리]를 형성하다
faint 1. Adj 희미한[약한] 2.아주 적은(=slight) 3.Verb 실신[기절/졸도]하다(=pass out)
(Chapter 27)
27:1 And Job continued his discourse:
discourse 1.Noun 격식 담론 2.언어 담화
27:4 my lips will not speak wickedness, and my tongue will utter no deceit.
utter 1.Adj (강조의 의미로) 완전한[순전한] 2.Verb 격식 (입으로 어떤 소리를) 내다, (말을) 하다
27:5 I will never admit you are in the right; till I die, I will not deny my integrity.
integrity 1.Noun 진실성 2.(나뉘지 않고) 완전한 상태, 온전함 (=unity)
27:13 “Here is the fate God allots to the wicked, the heritage a ruthless man receives from the Almighty:
ruthless Adj 무자비한, 가차 없는, 인정사정없는
27:22 It hurls itself against him without mercy as he flees headlong from its power.
headlong 1.Adv(머리부터) 거꾸로, 곤두박질쳐서 (=head first) 2.저돌적으로, 성급하게 3.앞뒤 살피지 않고, 황급히
27:23 It claps its hands in derision and hisses him out of his place.
derision Noun 조롱, 조소 (=scorn)
(Chapter 28)
28:2 Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore.
smelt ore 광석을 녹이다
smelt Verb (광석을) 제련하다 (→smell v.)
ore Noun 광석
28:3 Man puts an end to the darkness; he searches the farthest recesses for ore in the blackest darkness.
recesses 깊은 곳, 후미진 곳
28:4 Far from where people dwell he cuts a shaft, in places forgotten by the foot of man; far from men he dangles and sways.
shaft 1.Noun (보통 건물지하의) 수직 통로, 수갱 2.(망치골프채 등의 기다란) 손잡이[자루], 화살대
dangle 1.Verb (무엇이) (달랑) 매달리다[달랑거리다] 2.(무엇을) 매달리게 들다, (무엇을 들고) 달랑거리다
sway 1.Verb (전후좌우로 천천히) 흔들리다[흔들다] 2.(마음을) 흔들다[동요시키다] (=influence) 3.Noun (전후좌우로) 흔들림[진동]
28:6 sapphires come from its rocks, and its dust contains nuggets of gold.
nugget 1.Noun (땅에서 발견되는 귀금속, 특히 금) 덩어리 2.너겟(작고 동그랗게 만든 음식) 3.Noun <작지만 가치 있는 생각·사실 등> (=snippet)
28:8 Proud beasts do not set foot on it, and no lion prowls there.
prowl 1.Verb (특히 먹이를 찾아 살금살금) 돌아다니다 2.(특히 범행 대상을 찾아) 돌아다니다[배회하다] 3.(특히 지루함초조함 등으로) 서성거리다[어슬렁거리다]
28:9 Man’s hand assaults the flinty rock and lays bare the roots of the mountains.
bare 1.Adj 벌거벗은, 맨– (→barefoot) 2.헐벗은 3.Verb (신체의 일부를) 드러내다
28:13 Man does not comprehend its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living.
comprehend Verb 격식 (충분히) 이해하다
28:16 It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir, with precious onyx or sapphires.
onyx Noun 줄 마노, 오닉스
28:18 Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.
coral 1.Noun 산호 2.산호충 3.Adj산호색의(분홍이나 주황색)
jasper Noun 광물 벽옥(碧玉)
28:19 The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it; it cannot be bought with pure gold.
topaz Noun 황옥, 토파즈
28:27 then he looked at wisdom and appraised it; he confirmed it and tested it.
appraise 1.Verb 격식 살피다, 뜯어보다 2.(업무를) 평가하다
28:28 And he said to man, ‘The fear of the Lord–that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.'”
shun Verb 피하다
(Chapter 29)
29:2 “How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me,
watch over somebody/something ~을 보살피다[보호하다/지켜보다]
29:6 when my path was drenched with cream and the rock poured out for me streams of olive oil.
drench Verb 흠뻑 적시다 (=soak)
drenched with …로 흠뻑 젖은.
29:17 I broke the fangs of the wicked and snatched the victims from their teeth.
fang Noun (뱀·개 등의) 송곳니
(Chapter 30)
30:1 “But now they mock me, men younger than I, whose fathers I would have disdained to put with my sheep dogs.
disdain 1.Noun 업신여김, 무시 (=contempt) 2.Verb 업신여기다, 무시하다
30:3 Haggard from want and hunger, they roamed the parched land in desolate wastelands at night.
haggard Adj초췌한 (=drawn)
parched 1.Adj(특히 날씨가 더워서) 몹시 건조한[바싹 말라 버린] 2.몹시 목마른
30:4 In the brush they gathered salt herbs, and their food was the root of the broom tree.
brush 1.Noun 덤불, 잡목림(雜木林) 2.(=BRUSHWOOD) 3.[the ~] 미개척지(backwoods)
30:7 They brayed among the bushes and huddled in the undergrowth.
bray 1.Verb (당나귀가 시끄럽게) 울다 2.듣기 싫은 소리로 말하다[웃다]
huddle 1.Verb (보통 춥거나 무서워서) 옹송그리며 모이다 2.(보통 춥거나 무서워서) 옹송그리다 3.Noun (특히 특별한 순서 없이) 옹기종기 모여 서 있는 것
undergrowth Noun 덤불, 관목
30:10 They detest me and keep their distance; they do not hesitate to spit in my face.
detest Verb 몹시 싫어하다, 혐오하다 (=loathe)
30:11 Now that God has unstrung my bow and afflicted me, they throw off restraint in my presence.
unstring 1.T verb <현악기·활 등의> 현을 풀다[늦추다] 2.<꿰인 구슬 등을> 실에서 뽑다 3.긴장을 풀다, 느슨하게 하다(loose)
afflict Verb 격식 괴롭히다, 피해를 입히다
restraint 1.Noun 규제 2.통제, 제한 3.자제 (=self-control) 여기서는 나의 굴레, 통제
30:14 They advance as through a gaping breach; amid the ruins they come rolling in.
gaping Adj입을 크게 벌린, 크게 갈라진
breach 톨파구
30:17 Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest.
gnawing Adj 신경을 갉아먹는, 괴롭히는
30:20 “I cry out to you, O God, but you do not answer; I stand up, but you merely look at me.
merely Adv 한낱, 그저, 단지
30:21 You turn on me ruthlessly; with the might of your hand you attack me.
ruthless Adj 무자비한, 가차 없는, 인정사정없는
30:27 The churning inside me never stops; days of suffering confront me.
churn 1.Verb (물흙탕물 등이[을]) 마구 휘돌다[휘젓다] 2.(걱정역겨움 등으로) (속이[을]) 뒤틀리다[뒤틀리게 하다]
(Chapter 31)
31:3 Is it not ruin for the wicked, disaster for those who do wrong?
ruin 1.Verb (가치기쁨 등을) 망치다[엉망으로 만들다] (=wreck) 2.파산[파멸]시키다, 폐허로 만들다 3.Noun 붕괴, 몰락
31:6 let God weigh me in honest scales and he will know that I am blameless–
blameless Adj 떳떳한, 책임이 없는 (=innocent)
31:9 “If my heart has been enticed by a woman, or if I have lurked at my neighbor’s door,
lurk 1.Verb (특히 나쁜 짓을 하려고 기다리며) 숨어 있다[도사리다] (=skulk) 2.(불쾌한 일위험이) 도사리다
31:13 “If I have denied justice to my menservants and maidservants when they had a grievance against me,
justice 1.Noun 공평성 (↔injustice) (→poetic justice, rough justice) 2.공정성, 정당성(↔injustice) 3.사법, 재판 (→miscarriage of justice)
grievance Noun 불만[고충] (사항)
31:18 but from my youth I reared him as would a father, and from my birth I guided the widow–
rear 1.Tverb <아이를> 기르다, 교육하다; <가족을> 부양하다 2.<동물을> 사육하다, 재배하다, 길들이다 3.Iverb <말 등이> 뒷다리로 서다 ((up))
31:20 and his heart did not bless me for warming him with the fleece from my sheep,
fleece 1.Noun (한 마리의 양에게서 깎아 낸) 양털 2.플리스(양털같이 부드러운 직물), 플리스(로 만든) 스웨터[재킷]
31:27 so that my heart was secretly enticed and my hand offered them a kiss of homage,
homage Noun 격식 경의, 존경의 표시
31:28 then these also would be sins to be judged, for I would have been unfaithful to God on high.
unfaithful Adj 외도를 하는, 바람을 피우는 (↔faithful)
31:29 “If I have rejoiced at my enemy’s misfortune or gloated over the trouble that came to him–
gloat Verb (자신의 성공에) 흡족해 하다, (남의 실패를) 고소해 하다 (=crow)
31:30 I have not allowed my mouth to sin by invoking a curse against his life–
invoke 1.Verb (법·규칙 등을) 들먹이다[적용하다] 2.(근거·이유로 인물·이론·예 등을) 들다[언급하다] 3.(사람들에게 어떤 감정·행동을 촉발하기 위해 누구의 이름을) 부르다[들먹이다]
31:34 because I so feared the crowd and so dreaded the contempt of the clans that I kept silent and would not go outside
clan 1.Noun (특히 스코틀랜드의) 씨족[문중] 2.(특정 이유로 관련을 갖는) 집단[무리]
31:35 (“Oh, that I had someone to hear me! I sign now my defense–let the Almighty answer me; let my accuser put his indictment in writing.
defense .1. (변론) [명사] defense, [동사] defend, plead 2.(변명, 편들기) [명사] (정당화) justification; (해명) explanation [동사] (편을 들다) defend; (정당화하다) justify
indictment 1.Noun (제도·사회 등의) 폐단의 흔적 2.특히 美 고발장, 기소장 美 기소
31:38 “if my land cries out against me and all its furrows are wet with tears,
furrow 1.Noun (쟁기질로 생긴) 고랑[골] 2.(얼굴의) 깊은 주름 3.Verb (밭에) 고랑을 만들다
31:40 then let briers come up instead of wheat and weeds instead of barley.” The words of Job are ended.
brier 1.Noun 찔레 , 들장미(의 가지) 2.찔레 숲
(Chapter 32)
32:3 He was also angry with the three friends, because they had found no way to refute Job, and yet had condemned him.
refute 1.Verb 논박[반박]하다 (=rebut) 2.부인하다 (=deny)
32:15 “They are dismayed and have no more to say; words have failed them.
dismay 1.Noun (충격을 받은 뒤의) 실망, 경악 2.Verb 경악하게 만들다, 크게 실망시키다
(Chapter 33)
33:15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds,
slumber 1.Noun 문예체 잠, 수면 2.Verb 문예체 잠을 자다
33:19 Or a man may be chastened on a bed of pain with constant distress in his bones,
chasten Verb 잘못을 깨닫게 하다, 훈계하다
33:20 so that his very being finds food repulsive and his soul loathes the choicest meal.
repulsive 1.Adj 역겨운, 혐오스러운 (=disgusting) 2.(물리) 밀어내는
loathe Verb 혐오하다 (=detest)
33:21 His flesh wastes away to nothing, and his bones, once hidden, now stick out.
stick out 눈에 띄다[잘 보이다](=stand out), 튀어나오다, ~을 내밀다[튀어나오게 하다]
(Chapter 34)
34:4 Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good.
discern 1.Verb(특히 분명하지 않은 것을) 알아차리다[파악하다/포착하다](=detect) 2.(어렴풋이) 알아보다[알아듣다] (=make out)
34:7 What man is like Job, who drinks scorn like water?
scorn 1.Noun 경멸[멸시](감), (=contempt) 2.Verb 경멸[멸시]하다 (=dismiss)
34:24 Without inquiry he shatters the mighty and sets up others in their place.
shatter 1.Verb 산산이 부서지다, 산산조각 나다; 산산이 부수다. 산산조각 내다 2.(특히 희망·신념 등을[이]) 산산조각 내다[산산조각 나다] 3.엄청난 충격을 주다
(Chapter 35)
(Chapter 36)
36:3 I get my knowledge from afar; I will ascribe justice to my Maker.
afar Adv (문어) 멀리, 아득히(far)ascribe 1.T verb <원인·동기·기원 등을> …에 돌리다(attribute), <결과 등을> …의 탓으로 돌리다(impute) ((to)), <예술 작품·공적·발… 2.T verb <성질·특징을> …에 속하는 것으로 생각하다 ((to))
36:13 “The godless in heart harbor resentment; even when he fetters them, they do not cry for help.
resentment Noun 분함, 억울함, 분개
fetter 1.Verb 문예체 (남의 자유를) 구속하다 2.(죄수의 발에) 족쇄를 채우다 (=shackle) 3.Noun 문예체 속박, 구속
36:16 “He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food.
woo 구애하다, 얻으려고 노력하다, 간청하다
laden 1.Adj(~을) 잔뜩 실은[든/진] (→unladen) 2.문예체 (특히 불쾌한 것이) 가득한 3.(형용사를 형성하여) …이 가득한
36:19 Would your wealth or even all your mighty efforts sustain you so you would not be in distress?
sustain 1.Verb (필요한 것을 제공하여) 살아가게[존재하게/지탱하게] 하다 2.계속[지속]시키다 (=maintain) 3.(피해 등을) 입다[당하다] (=suffer)
36:21 Beware of turning to evil, which you seem to prefer to affliction.
affliction Noun 격식 고통, 고통의 원인
36:24 Remember to extol his work, which men have praised in song.
extol Verb 격식 극찬[격찬]하다
36:27 “He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams;
distill ( distil ) 1.Verb 증류하다, …을 증류하여 …으로 만들다(into) (cf. BREW) 2.증류하여 <불순물을> 제거하다 (off, out) 3.I verb 증류되다, (증류 작용으로) 농축되다
(Chapter 37)
37:2 Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.
rumbling 1.Noun 우르릉[웅웅/웅성]거리는 소리 2.소문, 웅성거림 (=rumour)
37:12 At his direction they swirl around over the face of the whole earth to do whatever he commands them.
swirl 1.Verb (빠르게) 빙빙 돌다, 소용돌이치다; 빙빙 돌게[소용돌이치게] 하다 2.Noun 소용돌이
37:16 Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who is perfect in knowledge?
poised 1.Adj (금방이라도 동작을 취할) 태세를 갖추고 있는 2.아슬아슬하게 균형을 이루고 있는 3.(~을 할) 준비가 다 된 (=set)
37:17 You who swelter in your clothes when the land lies hushed under the south wind,
swelter Verb 무더위에 시달리다
(Chapter 38)
38:3 Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.
brace 1.Noun 버팀대, 죔쇠 2.치아 교정기 3.Verb (스스로) 대비를 하다, 대비시키다
38:19 “What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside?
abode Noun 격식 또는 유머 거주지, 집 (→abide v., right of abode)
38:25 Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain, and a path for the thunderstorm,
torrent 1.Noun 급류 2.Noun 마구 쏟아짐[퍼부음], 빗발침 (=deluge)
38:31 “Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades? Can you loose the cords of Orion?
Pleiades 1.Noun 그리스신화 Atlas의 일곱 명의 딸 2.천문 [the ~] 묘성(昴星)
38:32 Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?
constellations Noun 천문학 황도 별자리
38:33 Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?
dominion 1.Noun 문예체 지배[통치](권) 2.격식 영토, 영지
38:36 Who endowed the heart with wisdom or gave understanding to the mind?
endow Verb (학교 등의 기관에 많은 돈을) 기부하다
38:37 Who has the wisdom to count the clouds? Who can tip over the water jars of the heavens
tip over 1.…을 뒤집어엎다 2.미국·속어 [은행 따위]를 습격하다, …에서 빼앗다, (경관이) 급습하다
38:38 when the dust becomes hard and the clods of earth stick together?
clod 1.Noun (흙·점토) 덩어리 2.비격식 돌대가리
38:40 when they crouch in their dens or lie in wait in a thicket?
thicket 1.Noun 덤불, 잡목 숲 2.복잡하게 뒤얽힌 것
(Chapter 39)
39:1 “Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn?
fawn 1.Adj 엷은 황갈색의 2.Noun (생후 1년이 안 된) 새끼 사슴
39:7 He laughs at the commotion in the town; he does not hear a driver’s shout.
commotion Noun 소란, 소동
39:10 Can you hold him to the furrow with a harness? Will he till the valleys behind you?
furrow 1.Noun (쟁기질로 생긴) 고랑[골] 2.(얼굴의) 깊은 주름 3.Verb (밭에) 고랑을 만들다
harness 1.Noun 마구(馬具) 2.(사람 몸에 매는 마구 비슷한) 벨트[용구] 3.Verb (말 등의 동물에[을]) 마구를 채우다[마구로 연결하다]
till 1.Tverb 갈다, 경작하다(cultivate) 2.배양하다, 개발하다; 연구하다 3.I verb 땅을 갈다
39:13 “The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully, but they cannot compare with the pinions and feathers of the stork.
pinion 새의 날개, 날개 끝 부분
39:19 “Do you give the horse his strength or clothe his neck with a flowing mane?
mane 1.Noun (말이나 사자 목덜미의) 갈기 2.(사람의) 길고 숱 많은 머리털
39:20 Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his proud snorting?
snorting Adjective 코를 킁킁거리는, 코웃음치는.
39:21 He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray.
fray 1.Noun 싸움, 소동, 난투; (스포츠의) 경쟁, 경기 2.공포
39:23 The quiver rattles against his side, along with the flashing spear and lance.
quiver 1.Verb (가볍게) 떨다[떨리다] (=tremble) 2.Noun (감정몸의 일부가) 떨림, 가벼운 전율
rattle 1.Verb 달가닥[덜거덕]거리다(딱딱한 것들이 맞부딪치며 짧게 연이어 내는 소리를 나타냄) 2.덜컹거리다
3.Noun (딱딱한 것들이 맞부딪치며 짧게 연이어 내는) 덜커덕[달그락/덜컹]거리는 소리 (→death rattle)
lance 1.Noun (옛날에 말을 탄 무사들이 쓰던) 긴 창
39:24 In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground; he cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.
frenzy Noun 광분, 광란 (→feeding frenzy)
39:28 He dwells on a cliff and stays there at night; a rocky crag is his stronghold.
crag Noun 험준한 바위 (덩어리)
(Chapter 40)
40:2 “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!”
contend 1.Verb 격식 (특히 언쟁 중에) 주장하다 (=maintain) 2.Verb (~을 얻으려고) 다투다[겨루다]
40:10 Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and clothe yourself in honor and majesty.
adorn Verb 격식 꾸미다, 장식하다
40:11 Unleash the fury of your wrath, look at every proud man and bring him low,
unleash Verb (강력한 반응·감정 등을) 촉발시키다[불러일으키다], 놓아주다
40:13 Bury them all in the dust together; shroud their faces in the grave.
shroud 1.Noun 수의(壽衣) 2.문예체 장막 3.Verb 뒤덮다, 가리다
40:16 What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly!
loins 허리,
40:17 His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit.
sinew 1.Noun (근육과 뼈를 잇는) 힘줄 2.문예체 정력, 힘
40:18 His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron.
limb 1.Noun (하나의) 팔[다리], (새의) 날개 2.팔다리가 …한 3.(큰) 나뭇가지
40:21 Under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
marsh Noun 습지(지대가 낮고 물이 잘 빠지지 않아 늘 축축한 땅)
(Chapter 41)
41:7 Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?
harpoon 1.Noun (고래 등을 잡는 데 쓰는) 작살 2.Verb 작살로 잡다
41:9 Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering.
overpower 1.Verb 제압하다 2. 압도하다, 사로잡다 (=overwhelm)
41:19 Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out.
Firebrands 횟불, 선동가
41:21 His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth.
ablaze 1.Adj 불길에 휩싸인 2.불타는 듯한, 환한 3.(강한 감정으로) 불타는 듯한, 이글거리는
dart 1.Noun (무기용의 작은) 화살, (다트 놀이용) 화살 2.다트(점수가 적힌 둥근 과녁판에 작은 화살을 던져 득점을 계산하는 식으로 승부를 가리는 게임. 영국에서는 … 3.Verb 쏜살같이[휙] 달리다[움직이다]
41:22 Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him.
dismay 1.Noun (충격을 받은 뒤의) 실망, 경악 2.Verb 경악하게 만들다, 크게 실망시키다
41:25 When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing.
thrash 1.Verb (벌로서 매로) 때리다 (=beat) 2.몸부림치다, 허우적거리다, 요동치다; 몸부림치게[허우적거리게/요동치게] 만들다
41:30 His undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge.
jag 1 ( jagg ) 1.Noun (암석 등의) 뾰족한 끝, (톱니 같이) 뾰족뾰족함, (옷 가두리의) 들쭉날쭉한 천 2.T verb (톱니처럼) 뾰족뾰족하게 만들다, …에 들쭉날쭉하게 자르다[베다]
potsherd ( potshard ) Noun (고고학 발굴물의) 질그릇 조각
41:31 He makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.
churn 1.Verb (물흙탕물 등이[을]) 마구 휘돌다[휘젓다] 2.(걱정역겨움 등으로) (속이[을]) 뒤틀리다[뒤틀리게 하다]
41:32 Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think the deep had white hair.
glisten Verb 반짝이다, 번들거리다
wake 1.Noun 배가 지나간 자리, 항적(航跡) 2.(물건의) 지나간 자국, 흔적
41:34 He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud.”
haughty Adj 거만한, 오만한 (=arrogant)
(Chapter 42)
42:2 “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.
thwart Verb (계획 등을) 좌절시키다 (=frustrate)
42:3 You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.
obscure 1.Adj 잘 알려져 있지 않은, 무명의 (=unknown) 2.이해하기 힘든, 모호한 3.Verb 보기[듣기/이해하기] 어렵게 하다, 모호하게 하다
42:6 Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”
despise Verb 경멸하다
42:11 All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled him over all the trouble the LORD had brought upon him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring.
comfort 1.Noun 안락, 편안 2.위로, 위안 (=consolation) 3.Verb 위로[위안]하다
console Verb 위로하다, 위안을 주다 (=comfort)